Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bookshelf expressions

Let me begin by saying that you can decorate your bookshelves however you want to.
Even with ratty old birdcages that you got at a flea market years and years ago,
and vases filled with sand.
Even when your husband thinks it's very silly :)

Speaking of bookshelves...

I would love to put this in a child's room some day (complete with the little rainboots!) I bet it makes the books more magical :)

The apartment as a whole, including the bookcase, is all coming together slowly. There seem to be small heaps of things in various location that will not go away. But little by little, piece by piece, everything is finding it's home. It'll be nice when we have living room furniture and a tv. We HAD a tv until a certain Papa G pulled a certain cable cord directly out of the tv, thus stripping the cable thingy and destroying our little baby television forever. a sad day indeed.

Good news however: I've been desperately trying to figure out a way that we can spend a weekend in Sandusky this summer for a fun-filled Saturday at Cedar Point with the Bozic's. Our budget wasn't really allowing for it until- PRAISES! My new friend Mr. Brian "off-campus housing direcor" Walker introduced me to a little part time job called "SAT/ACT test proctoring." Pay ranges from $80-150 ish per test. They're only on Saturday mornings/afternoons and it's certainly not a fun job, but-hey-if it's gonna get me on the Dragster, bring it on baby. I'll proctor till my eyes fall out.

4:14, Think I'm going to start wrapping things up for the evening.


  1. where does one buy this bookcase??

  2. An artist named Shawn Soh created it for the annual Seoul Living Design Fair, isn't it beautiful??! I'm not sure if it's something he sells, but he has some contact info on his website (as well as some other sweet designs!) so check it out at:
