Monday, November 29, 2010

Finals have a way of sucking the fun out of life.

My deepest and profound apologies the -3 of you who read my blog-- I am 47 pages and 2 exams shy of completing this semester-- pray me through this and I'll be back as soon as possible!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Stuck in a Mon-daze.

Ohhhh mondays.
I wouldn't dread the first day of the American work/school week if it didn't entail sitting at the office till 5 followed by class till 7:30.
Tuesday thru Friday are either solely dedicated to work or school, and when I'm done I can shut my brain off, go home, and take time to reorient my brain for the next day and it's challenges.
But...Mondays have an upside.
at 7:30 i get a ride home in a car i don't have to drive, eat a dinner that i don't have to cook, snuggle with a husband I haven't seen all day, and watch a new episode of the Event which I haven't seen in a week.
and, best of all, I don't have to wake up and do another Monday for another 7 days:)
Currently, I'm sitting in Med Mal, law school slang for medical malpractice. Over the course of the semester I have come to one conclusion regarding this class: mixing lawyers and doctors is a bad idea. Generally ((not always)) it involves two of the most heartless, money-hungry, desensitized, generally amoral people you could possibly imagine fighting it out in a court room. Our time and money would be better spent putting two dogs in a cage and letting them fight it out ((which is essentially what happens anyway)) to determine a winner in a a malpractice case.
I don't want to be a lawyer.


As a sidenote, Med mal generally= tetris. lots and lots of tetris.
I'm on the verge of ranking down in Arena. That shouldn't mean anything to you...if it does, you are as desperately in need of a tetris intervention as I am. In searching for tetris images I happened on a few of things that caught my fancy:
Tetris item #1: Tetris skirt.
Originally thought this was a bag, which was more appealing to me. However, the tetris image is painstakingly awful. I hope the person that created that tetris layout was 4 years old and blind. If I ever owned this, it would haunt me unceasingly.

Tetris item #2: Tetris necklace.
Love this, would never wear it obviously, but love it.
...ok. maybe i would wear it at home.
...or when I went out once in a while...possibly.
Tetris item #3: REAL LIFE TETRIS GAME!
This, I simply need.
Jonathan and I would probably never leave the house again.
So maybe what I actually need is to never EVER have this.

Good night all, enjoy your evening. I'm looking forward to being only ONE hour away from the best part of my day :)