Friday, June 18, 2010

The Blackberry Chronicles

I've noticed that all the cool blogs have weekly "things." Like "Me in Threes on Thursdays" over at Yellow Songbird, or "Where I Live Wednesdays" over at After, I Do. I thoroughly enjoy these as I feel they give readers a unique and thorough look into the writer's life. So as I was attempting to share some photos with you and found that my camera was in an incredibly uncooperative mood, I defaulted to sharing random pictures from my phone and their corresponding captions. And at the very moment, my "thing" was born. I hope for it to be a Friday installation piece- introducing:

The Blackberry Chronicles

This is the lovely place I come to work each morning. I know you can't tell in this picture, but it's actually a luxuriously spacious office on the top floor of a very important glass building...

...ok, I'm in the basement.

...and the walls are cinder block.

BUT in all seriousness, I couldn't ask for a better place to work. I work with two of the brightest and kindest attorneys I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Pam, the office secretary has also been an incredible resource and welcoming face each and every day. I am so fortunate to be working in such a pleasant and laid back environment. I am learning a lot at a comfortable pace. I love getting to work with actual PEOPLE every once in awhile instead of "hypothetical" ones (thank you, law school.) I have also been encouraged to see that jobs with flexible schedules for lawyers who are moms actually DO exist. Not EVERY lawyer works 80 hours a week- Revelation!

Pretzel spelling is a special skill of mine...also a great distraction when studying for finals. One day I hope to make the entire alphabet in a single sitting.
High aspirations, I know...
...Don't act like you're not impressed.
During a little visit to the Carnegie Museum, we happened upon this bird exhibit--
Can you believe this?? Nice going Carnegie, way to break a child's heart.

A brief word to the person who posted this fiery note about people's disregard for the environment : When accusing others of being "stupid," it is best to not misspell the word.

And a personal favorite of mine...
Each and every morning I drive my little car over to the WVU Coliseum parking lot where I conveniently hop on a shuttle bus for the parents of Freshman who are here for new student orientation.
-I don't have to pay for parking.
-I've made friends with the orientation leaders
-Sometimes a friendly mom will sit next to me and strike up a random conversation-my favorite!
-and most importantly, I get to see this guy. He works as a live advertisement for the Book Exchange by dressing up like a priest and holding up a sign that says, "Lowest Prices in Town, Would I lie to you?" Every day I ride the bus with a new set of parents that think this is hilarious, which is great because it makes me feel less nerdy for laughing out loud every single time.
-none :)
Have a pleasant weekend!
*Oh, and I'm making a surprise trip home on Sunday for Father's Day! Shhhh! Don't tell Dad!


  1. love it! :) thanks for the shout out ...even though "cool blog?" doubt it! haha

  2. OH MY GOODNESS; do you live in Pittsburgh? Could we PLEASE meet for coffee and talk about our perfect Lord and Savior, and about CS Lewis' writings, and do a book club!!!
