Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm pretending that it's the weekend :)

...I'm allowed to do that, right?

I'm done with classes until Monday and work is no big hassle. In between lease reviews and letter writing, it's nice to have the time and space to organize other areas of my life.

Speaking of organizing, I've been working on a list lately that I would like to share with you:
My list has 3 columns. Also, it's an ever growing list (so if you really need the satisfaction of seeing everything crossed off at the end of the day- this exercise is not for you!)
The list has 3 columns and is saved as a word document on my computer.
Column 1 is a list of one time things that need to get done.
return jeans
call the cable company
put photos in the collage frame

Column 2 is a list of things I am trying to schedule into my weekly/daily/monthly life.
wash bed sheets
scrub the bathroom
do laundry
make a meal schedule
spend time in the Word

(this column is particularly helpful to me because I am naturally a "do it as it needs done" kind of person. I've found that my natural way of doing things, however, is not very conducive to creating a peaceful life environment.)

And the 3rd column is simply a list of general goals for the year.
get organized
become more dedicated and disciplined in my schoolwork
become a good steward of the body that god has given me (eat right, exercise)
grow in my relationship with, and understanding of, Christ

This column is particularly important for me. Every January I have these grand ideas about the super-human I want to become over the next 12 months. Inevitably, December roles around and I'm left wondering if I changed at all. Did i grow? Did I meet any of my goals?
Hopefully, over time, I will come to see that I have crossed dozens of things off of my to-do list. I've already had the satisfaction of seeing many of these things taken care of.
With that small bit of satisfaction, I can see that, day by day, I am achieving these over-arching goals in my life. I am growing.

Happy January 20th, everyone. Remember: it's not too late to make new year's resolutions :)


  1. Good idea! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. This is an inspiring post.
    Oh and what you need to add into that list?
    Coffee dates with Jessica :)
    I love you!
