Friday, January 21, 2011

Guess what?

I didn't go to work today!

I took one look out that window and saw the 6 inches of snow resting heavily atop my car and decided to stay in :)

I'm so fortunate that my job is so flexible. 20 hours a week, any way i please :)

So I'm trying my best to take advantage of these few hours I have to myself. My plan is to do several of the following things depending on what I feel like doing ( i like options!):

blog (check!)
meal plan for February
organize hall closet
figure out what to wear to Mina's birthday tonight:)

well, time to get started on something!


my loving husband (who we just found out ROCKED his first semester of law school!!) informed me that i spelled half a dozen words wrong in this post and made several grammatical errors. Being the English-nazi that i am, this was slightly bothersome to me. I type so quickly and often fail to review what i have written.
So for future reference, if you see these mistakes in the future---gracefully ignore them. You know what i meant anyway ;)

also, lower case "i's" are not a mistake. I just prefer them that way. :)

1 comment:

  1. Read "The Deeps" VOV p 134 today and thought of you. Especially " I am nothing but that thou makest me, I have nothing but that I recive from thee, I can be nothing but that grace adorns me. Quarry me deep, dear Lord, and then fill me to overflowing with living water." Enjoy your free day!
