Sunday, August 30, 2009

Thank GOODNESS I have these lovely ladies... save me from DROWNing in this:

This weekend was supposed to be a nice concentrated chunk of time for me to get my work done for the upcoming week. I read approximately 6 pages of contracts (which, in all fairness, is the equivalent of at least 84 pages of anything else...) Even with that in mind, I barely touched my assignments for the week, and yet here i am- once again- blogging.

obsession setting in...

Law school is a funny thing. Not quite funny strange and definitely not funny ha ha... just the kind of funny that wakes you up trying to remember which statute permits you to sleep an extra twenty minutes... The kind of funny that has you wondering if you've made a formal binding contract enforceable by law when you promise a friend to call at a certain time... the kind of funny that has you yelling, "I object!" when your boyfriend suggests watching another UFC fight. ...That kind of funny.

I am one week in to this 3 year journey, and so I realize that my opinions and critiques are not yet founded in a heap of authority or expertise, but if you're reading this I will assume you are at least somewhat interested: So far, I highly recommend law school to anyone with a desperate curiosity and a glass-half-full kind of mentality while I greatly dissuade the pessimistic naysayers. Law school can be the surge of power that a thinker needs to become a DO-er, or it can be the poison that already angry person needs to become a permanently embittered soul.

I like to think of myself as fairly sunshiny.

and I have an insatiable appetite for facts. (also called a nerd.)

At the end of the day, God is good. He has provided everything that i have needed. He has made me content :)

And so I think Im going to be ok :) Till next time...

1 comment:

  1. Right on girl.
    What a PERFECT summary of exactly what we are all thinking.
    And can I just say how much I don't want class this afternoon?!
    Why can't they just tell us one way or another?
    Oh yeah, that's right.
    Because we are in emotional and intellectual bootcamp!
    ;) Gotta love it!
