Saturday, August 29, 2009

Minima Lefty

When Jess left last night she said, "I feel bad leaving you here without explaining this whole thing to you...there's still so much I wanted to tell you about how to blog."

"I'm pretty good at finding my way around these sorts of things," I said.

Minima Lefty.

That is all I have to show for my supposed ingenuity. minima lefty. It's a template, in case you weren't sure, and I'm a lefty and so it made me feel more comfortable in a very new an uncomfortable environment. But it is, quite literally, the only thing I am capable of doing right now. I feel like a kid who's lost their mommy in a mall.

In addition to the left hand margin making me feel at home, my first three comments and followers were warming as well, so thank you!

Well, *deep sigh* I'm sure with time and multiple tutorials I will figure this whole thing out and make this blog my own. Jess will probably also regret offering to help:)

As I wrap up this afternoon post, I think I wil post a picture. Because:

A) my blog is very white and needs some color.
B) i want you to see one of the very greatest blessings in my life <3
C) it is one of the only things I know how to do on a blog.

*two of the happiest people in the world under one of the prettiest sunsets of all time*


  1. Great picture!!!!!!

    You will definitely get the hang of this stuff fast. Blogger is pretty user-friendly!

  2. WOW Chels, what a BEAUTIFUL picture!
    Knowing the "whole story" now, I can't help but be super happy for you two, and sooooo supportive.

    And don't worry, you will figure this thing out.
    We are all here to help!!!

  3. that is a beautiful sunset! i wanted to let you know that i love the name of your blog (very cute). good luck in all of your studies in law school.
