Monday, September 13, 2010

Come to think of it...

I can't...
throw a spiral.
believe how much stock people put in evolution.
follow politics.
wait for the new Narnia movie to come out.
stay up late anymore.

I still...
eat cottage cheese and peaches.
use the finger trick for my "nine" times-tables.
can't believe I'm married to the love of my life.
think the String Theory is going to change the world.
miss my Pappap.

I tend to...
bite my nails.
be very picky about the water I drink.
always order the same thing at restaurants.
own up to my mistakes.

I don't...
care to much for shoes.
know which songs belong to which artists.
like the smell of pickles.
remember birthdays.
play sports.

I bring...
a different perspective to the conversation.
my laundry home.
my lunch to work.
a smile to my husband's face.
good news.

I hate...
gaining weight and not doing anything to fix it.
movies with sad endings.
letting people down.
group projects.
this office phone that won't stop ringing.

I've learned...
to live on a budget.
loads about myself in law school.
nothing about Property Law or Insurance.
how to file a complaint and an expungement.
what Grace is :)

I've changed my mind about...
the death penalty.
seafood and tomatoes.
having a career.
higher education.
pen preferences.

What about you? :)

1 comment:

  1. Hmm... I don't know that I have an opinion about the death penalty. You'll have to share your views sometime!

    And cottage cheese and peaches?! Well.

    I still love you. :)
