Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A brief dissertation.

There's a reason I called this blog my necessary outlet.
Things that are necessary are not always easy, but they are, well,
I turned in my first case prediction on 8:30 Monday morning and what was supposed to be a 3 page paper I could barely trim down to a 4 page paper and easily could have made a 15 page saga. I've spent the last four years earning an English degree and learning things like "creativity!" "expand!" "flavor!" Now it's "clear." "concise." "mechanical."
Put a girdle on your work, Chelsy.
A girdle...really?
Ok, let's work through this analogy. I promise by the time you're done reading this girdles and law school and blogging will all tie together- How do you put a girdle on a case prediction?
When you put a girdle on- you're smoothing things out. But the extra "stuff" doesn't disappear, right? It's gotta go somewhere. It needs an outlet.
So this blog is more or girdle.
Though I have precious little free time, and despite the fact that it's not a deeply ingrained habit yet- I will blog because I need to. My creative writing has to go somewhere so that only the fine grainy boring stuff gets sifted back into my case predictions.
Much love.

As a side note:
to anyone considering buying the hotpockets paninis- don't go with the ham and cheese. the rye bread is undesirable.

1 comment:

    I hope you are feeling better babe!
    I am SO sorry that you were in pain.
    Perhaps you needed a "girdle".
    Haha, okay, yeah not that funny.
    And did I just do air quotes again?!
    Somebody stop me.

    Just got done playing indoor soccer.
    It was amazing.
    And NO I didn't do any school work tonight :)
    I could get used to that!
