Thursday, April 7, 2011


So, on April 18th, I have to turn in--
my memoir.
truly the easiest, and yet, somehow, the most difficult task I have undertaken.
On the up-side, it is truly the first paper I have set out to write in at least a year and a half that hasn't had me feeling like this:

The down-side, however, is that my general attitude toward school work remains the same:

But I have to say, the idea of writing my story
how I got here
how I've changed
what I've learned...
it's exciting!

I'm anxious to see what I actually get on paper. You know how some days you journal or blog and you're amazed at your mystical skill of getting all the discombobulated thoughts in your head onto a piece of
real, tangible paper.
and then other days you're like...
...blah. no words in my brain.
I'm just hoping that what I produce is genuine.
Not so much for the good grade,
{who can really give you a bad grade for writing your own life story?}
but for me.
This year has been a bit of a mystery for me as far as law school goes.
I don't know why I'm here or what I'll become
or if I'll use this degree.
God has given me a simple peace,
just the understanding that I am where I am supposed to be
and nothing more.
I have a feeling that writing this paper will a little piece of my journey.

Maybe I'll let you read it when I'm finished :)

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